Comfort food isn’t always meant to be shared…

Baking de-stresses me (until it starts going wrong) and cheers me up.  When I feel a little glum, my comfort food is either cheese or baked goods of some description (rather than, say, just eating chocolate).  So usually I’ll bake a batch of muffins (I love muffins) or cookies, eat a couple to make myself feel slightly better and give the rest out to various friends.

I’ve been feeling a bit miserable over the last few weeks and I’ve baked cupcakes, macarons, cookies, etc., but I guess various issues going on at the moment as well as several instances of incompetency on the part of the School of Biology combined with the awful weather that we’ve been having lately all mean that I haven’t really cheered up (I realise this sounds like I’m about to descend into full-blown depression, but I’m not, don’t worry!).  I also don’t really like the month of February, which doesn’t help.  Anyway, so the other evening I was feeling rather wretched and wanted to bake something, but I was also feeling a bit selfish and wasn’t really up for being sociable and sharing.  So that meant muffins were out, since most of my recipes only use 1 egg but make about 18 muffins, and I wasn’t about to faff around splitting an egg into sixths.  Whilst I was moping around the kitchen trying to work out what to make that wouldn’t take too long and also wouldn’t require any egg-splitting, I discovered that for some obscure reason I had one of those individual packets of rice krispies.  I also remembered that I had some mini marshmallows.  There was really only ever going to be one possible conclusion: marshmallow rice krispie treats for one…  And they were exactly what I needed!

Marshmallow rice krispie treats

Makes 4 small individual treats (might serve 2 people, if you’re disciplined)
Based on Bake Me More

The amount of ingredients can be scaled up as much as necessary depending on how big a dish you would like to fill.  I think for a 20×30 cm dish you’ll probably need about 140g of rice krispies.


10g butter
50g mini marshmallows
20g rice krispies


1.  Melt the butter in a small heatproof bowl over the top of a pan of simmering water.  Once the butter has just melted, add 40g of the mini marshmallows and mix with a spatula or metal spoon until the marshmallows have melted.

2.  Remove the bowl from the heat, add the rice krispies and remaining 10g of the mini marshmallows and mix until they are all coated in the marshmallow goo (since it’s such a small quantity, I found it easier to mix them together with my hands – it gets messy though).

3.  Split the rice krispie mixture between four silicone muffin cases (you could use a normal metal muffin tin, though make sure to lightly butter it first) and press it down.  Allow to cool fully before eating.



Filed under Ramblings, Recipes, Sweet Foods

2 responses to “Comfort food isn’t always meant to be shared…

  1. Wow that brings back memories.
    But how do you eat just 2?
    My mother used to make a peanut butter version.
    Do you know that recipe?

    • Mel

      Oh I ate all four! There’s no way that I have enough self-control to limit myself, ha ha.
      I’m afraid I don’t have a recipe for the peanut butter version – all the ones that I’ve come across seem to use corn syrup, which is remarkably difficult to get here in the UK, so I don’t tend to bookmark them. I remember them from when I was little though – so yummy!

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